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Friday, 18 October 2013

Morning Dew

I don't really notice stuff like this, but as I was standing there making coffee, I noticed all the little droplets of dew on a plant near the window. I thought they'd make a pretty interesting subject to photograph, so I went and got my camera. Unfortunately, I couldn't frame a shot to my liking so I scrapped that idea but as I was walking back around to the front door, I noticed another plant that was covered in droplets and far more interesting.

(Click to see bigger versions)

I thought the detail was pretty amazing and how every little droplet reflects the world around it. It made me think about just how far you could actually zoom in and see exactly what was reflected. Because the subject is green and I favour black and white photography, I decided to try something a little different and that was turning down the saturation inside the camera, so I almost got a half and half colour/bw effect. I like how the out of focus droplets glow and fill the surrounding area.

These droplets were collected on spiders web on the lower side of the plant. I think the amount of detail is incredible, there must be hundreds and hundreds of drops there!

The last one, composition-wise I think is quite weak due to the out of focus part at the bottom. However, I do really like how the drops almost glow in the morning light. They remind me of fairy lights on a christmas tree.

These were taken using a Nikon Micro-Nikkor 40mm f/2.8 lens, which is pretty cool because while it's not as fast as my 50mm f/1.8 lens, it has macro capability and is a LOT sharper.

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